Monday, December 26, 2005

Can we stop to Ponder?

We are so busy in the Rat Race that we rarely have the time to do anything else. Can we stop to ponder the value of small things lin life?

To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident...

To realize
The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics

Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I have NO TIME

This one is about Attitude.

If one feels he or she does not have time it is only inside his or her mind it is so.

(1.)Do you work all the time from 9 to 5 whatever the timing may be?
(2.) Do you spend time on tea breaks?
(3.) Do you spend time with your friends during lunch time at their table or the canteen or outside for a smoke or for a sunshine warmth?
(4.)Do you find time to gossip about your colleagues?
(5.)Do you talk on phone and how long do you talk?
(6.) Do you have hobbies at home and spend time by yourself to garden or read a book or watch a movie when the family is taken care of?
(6.) Do you go out and drink and get drunk?
(7.) Should I ask more? I think you get the point by now.

If you want something strongly you strive for that.
If you want the good for your child you work hard for that.
So it is all about wanting to do something. If you want to do it you find time or else you do not!

It is all about adjusting time and work.

Weak Bosses

People who are unsure about themselves or want to suck up to his or her bosses are the worst bosses themselves. I find many around our work places who use loud voices to put their point through as if loud voices lend more weightage to their logic (actually it is not so, but because logic is missing they will use loud voices to subdue the weaker voice of the junior). Then I find themselves being careless in their own work and landing into problems but when it comes to handling their own juniors, these chaps will act as if he never makes mistakes!! Then I have also seen another category of people (not necessary that all these characteristics cannot be in the same person- and more often it is so) that they will discuss many issues - again in aloud voice-- pretending they know everything when they do not even have the inclination or time to make their own research to see what is what. It is very easy for them to pass judgement on everything that comes to their notice sply during tea time and act as if he or she was the last word in the matter. What stops us to do our own research and then make comments? What is the need to make comments on matters which we do not know? Is it absolutely necessary to prove that we know everything since we are bosses?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY !!

Once upon a time there was a wonderful western movie made by the name of “the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. It is very easy to understand what is “good”, but the difference between “bad” and “ugly” when used in reference to a type of human being becomes difficult to understand. But the meanings of these words were wonderfully portrayed by the three characters in the film so much so that anyone who saw the movie came out with a clear understanding of the definitions of these three words.

Here I am not talking of that film but of three types of bosses in any organisation, the “Good, the Bad and the Indifferent”. Here too unless someone experiences these bosses in his or her career it would be very difficult for him or her to understand these types as there are no fixed characteristics to describe them. The meanings of these words to different people would be different depending on their own experiences. To some the meanings of these words may even be seen as a relative term and they may feel that it all depends on how good or bad or indifferent a subordinate is to his superior or that a boss may be good to one junior but bad to another and yet indifferent to another still and therefore these terms have no fixedness as qualifiers of persons working as bosses. In fact I strongly suspect that most successful people would probably say that all bosses are good, proving a hypothesis of mine that a truly successful person is one who can make his boss become a good one for him. In effect it means it is all within us to create what we want in life and that includes a good boss.

I share my ideas here of what a good, bad or an indifferent boss is. I will restrict myself to defining these words only and not lose myself in the quagmire of relativity as mentioned above. I will only try to give absolute definitions of these words as per my own understanding and welcome others to comment and share their ideas. Also let me make it clear beforehand that what a person is as a human being has no relevance to his role as a boss. A perfectly good, gentleman maybe a very bad boss, and so also a very nasty, bad person may prove to be a very good boss when it comes to work and work life. My definitions are in paragraphs as it is not easy to describe the meanings in one word but at the same time I will only highlight a few characteristics only and leave the ground open for discussions and comments, if any, from the visitors to the site.

The GOOD boss doesn’t think of himself as a boss, he leads, he guides, and he works with his subordinate as a team member and takes care of him like a parent. The person under a good boss learns from the qualities of his senior and develops into an able worker himself. It is always an exhilarating experience to work under such a boss, even if he may demand his pound of flesh in terms of hard work and loyalty. A GOOD boss would also care for his people and work caringly for their well-being. A GOOD boss would be one with whom one can share thoughts, argue without fear, exchange views, be sincere and not just be seen sincere. A junior would always look up towards the good boss and love him. The junior would always want to work under this boss but at the same time would grow out of the protective shade of this boss as this boss would develop him to take higher responsibilities. Unfortunately a GOOD boss may not be one who shines in his own life, for we do not have grace marks for being a GOOD boss.

The BAD boss is one who does not teach and yet wants results, who does not care for his subordinate and yet demands attention himself. He is one whose aim is to control his subordinate and forgets that he should rather concentrate on the work done by the subordinate and the results, he asks for filing of tour reports but not take actions on them, whose idea of team work is an evening out with his subordinate and not a day in with the team. He does not believe in freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom from bondage. His idea of a good subordinate is one who always says, “Yes”. He looks at work and work place like a personal fiefdom and is interested only about himself, does not know how to delegate and train and guide, does not have the capability to lead. A bad boss forgets that his subordinate is not a fool. A BAD boss is one whom one should pity for he is not worth any respect. Unfortunately it does not mean a BAD boss cannot rise in his own career, for going to the top doesn’t need pass marks in leadership.

But nothing beats an INDIFFERENT boss. A bad boss will be bad to you and so you know where you stand, but an INDIFFERENT boss will be unpredictable, you will always be in suspense. They are the majority in an organisation and are the greatest de-motivating influences, because they don’t do anything at all for a subordinate and his work. Though a bad boss may harm you more, you can still keep quiet, do what he wants and be controlled by him, don’t argue with him and pray that you get a good report but how do you tackle an INDIFFERENT boss? An INDIFFERENT boss is one who is not bothered about subordinates at all. An INDIFFERENT boss will not harm his junior nor will do any good for him, will not scold him nor appreciate him, not guide him nor ask his opinion. Even with a bad boss you can learn the job, but, yes, you have to do the work in his way. But under an INDIFFERENT boss, you will not be able to learn anything; he will be one who will only give lip service and always quote rules when it comes to doing something good for the junior. The INDIFFERENT boss will not want to make the work place a better place to work in, he will not know how to deliver group objectives. One should fear INDIFFERENT bosses more, I think, as they are more in numbers and affect the growth of persons in an organisation as they leave their juniors in a limbo.

We have all had our share of bosses, but have we thought of what type of bosses we are? In fact why do we want to be a boss at all and not be just a team member, with perhaps a little more knowledge than the junior, a will to help others and a desire to lead?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Leadership Quotes

Harold S. Geneen
Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.

Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Leadership is a combination of strategy and character. If you must be without one, be without the strategy.

Blaine Lee
The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players.(Do we extract the magic in our players?)

Arnold Glasgow
One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.

John C. Maxwell
A big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with him.

Peter Drucker
No executive has ever suffered because his subordinates were strong and effective.

Henry Kissinger
Leaders must invoke an alchemy of great vision

Donald H. McGannon
Leadership is action, not position

Max Lucado
A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all.

Henry Ford
I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what cant be done

Lao Tzu
To lead the people, walk behind them

William James
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. Jim RohnLeadership is the challenge to be something more than average.


Lets talk about leadership !!

I read a wonderful article in Times of India, wonderful because it is so right and it matches my thoughts about what is needed around us today. So, I thought I should share this (copy+paste/ Plagiarise) it here. It is very relevant for us and we should introspect and find out what we as leaders have or what is missing in us.

Quote:"Ten Commandments to make a successful leader"

Leading a big public company is one of the world’s most important jobs. It is already fiendishly difficult, and seems to be getting harder all the time. Those who make it to the top frequently fail: they stay for shorter and shorter periods.

And there is more competition than there used to be for the talents of top bosses because private equity now offers another option. To judge by the huge pay packets offered to the few deemed capable of doing such jobs, there is a dire shortage of people thought to have what it takes. Here is a ten-point checklist of the necessary qualities.
  1. A sound ethical compass. If the boss’s values are undemanding, the company’s will also be wobbly. That may not put it out of business, but it means the company will have to pay a premium for talent. Good people do not like working for organisations whose values they mistrust.
  2. The ability to take unpleasant decisions. Many judgments must be made on the basis of ambiguous information. Leaders often have to deal swiftly with conflicting demands without being sure of their facts. That calls for a strong stomach.
  3. Clarity and focus are essential requirements for making those awkward judgments. Leading a large company, and dealing at speed with a host of complicated and many-sided issues, is an immense intellectual challenge. In order to survive the clamour for time and attention, a leader must also be able to screen out unnecessary noise and to focus on what really matters.
  4. Ambition. The best leaders are empire-builders who want to create something that outlasts them. That is different from ego-boosting personal ambition.
  5. Effective communications skills are a relatively new requirement, the result of the increasing intrusion of the outside world. A good corporate leader should talk convincingly, which is not always the same thing as telling the whole truth.
  6. The ability to judge people is an essential pre-requisite, given the importance of human capital. Judging who will work best in which slot is one of the key tasks of leadership. Like so many aspects of the top job, it requires intuition as well as experience.
  7. A knack for developing talent is needed to build a stock of future leaders. People learn far more about the art of leading from a good mentor than from a great book.
  8. Emotional self-confidence. Accumulating a pool of talent requires an ability to work with people who may be better at their job than you are at yours, and to guide and motivate them. Leaders who are jealous of their followers do not inspire loyalty. Self-confidence also allows people to admit to weakness and ask for help without feeling defensive or inadequate. Successful leaders need to be able to say, I don’t know what to do next, without losing the respect of their colleagues.
  9. Adaptability will prove invaluable when things go wrong. Surviving a reverse calls for resilience and flexibility. The key is an ability to reframe: to reshape a problem so that from some angles it can look like a success.
  10. Charm is not a quality taught on MBA courses, but few get to the top without it. A bit of luck helps too, though that may prove hard to arrange.
Many of these qualities are useful for leading any enterprise, but especially a publicly-traded corporation. In turn, the way companies are led determines the prosperity of nations and the happiness of their workforce and their customers.

In response to the scandals and collapses of the past two years, governments have rushed in to tighten the rules of corporate governance. That is no bad thing: good governance may not guarantee good performance, but at least it provides tools to tackle bad management.

And it is right to give boards a sense of responsibility and the means to exercise it. All this helps to rebuild trust.

And if all else fails...Talk to the chief executive of a public corporation about a job in private equity and the first question is, When can I start?’

Running a business for a private-equity firm means not only shelter from the limelight: no small shareholders turn up at your annual meeting to moan about your pay, and the media and non-governmental groups are much less intrusive.

In addition, there is a refreshing lack of ambiguity about what you are expected to achieve.
The timeframe is manageable. The investor is rational and interested. The rewards for success are huge. And nobody asks awkward public questions about your pay package.

The Economist


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